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Icons in the Western Church : Toward a More Sacramental Encounter ebook FB2, TXT


Within the Eastern tradition of Christianity, the eikon, or religious image, has long held a place of honor. In the greater part of Western Christianity, however, discomfort with images in worship, both statues and panel icons, has been a relatively common current, particularly since the Reformation. In the Roman Catholic Church, after years of using religious statues, the Second Vatican Council’s call for “noble simplicity†in many cases led to a stripping of images that in some ways helped refocus attention on the eucharistic celebration itself but also led to a starkness that has left many Roman Catholics unsure of how to interact with the saints or with religious images at all. Today, Western interest in panel icons has been rising, yet we lack standards of quality or catechesis on what to do with them. This book makes the case that icons should have a role to play in the Western Church that goes beyond mere decoration. Citing theological and ecumenical reasons, Visel argues that, in regard to use of icons, the post–Vatican II Roman Catholic Church needs to give greater respect to the Eastern tradition. While Roman Catholics may never interact with icons in quite the same way that Eastern Christians do, we do need to come to terms with what icons are and how we should encounter them.

Jeana Visel - Icons in the Western Church : Toward a More Sacramental Encounter read online ebook EPUB, FB2

Kressley delivers a guide that mines each man’s unique personality and physique and lets readers in on his best-kept secret—that the only thing sure to stay in fashion is the man who wears what’s right for him.Van Leer then critiques some current models of making homosexuality visible (the packaging of Joe Orton, the theories of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, the rise of gay studies), before concluding more optimistically on the possible alliances between gay culture and other minority discourses.A skull held aloft, a lovesick donkey, a bloodied dagger these familiar icons are instantly recognizable shorthand for the plays of William Shakespeare.As stretcher bearers, the two men witness the horrors of the battlefield and the waste of human life at the Somme, Ypres, and Passchendaele.How do I become more powerful-without becoming that jerk everyone dislikes?The contributors examine the routes by which artistic interaction may have taken place, and explore the reception of Byzantine art in western Europe, analysing why artists and patrons were interested in ideas from the other side of the cultural and religious divide.The first man was my father, Paul Selgin, who, it so happens, was an inventor.Often publicly at odds, they were the twentieth century's flint and steel; their repeated encounters consistently set off sparks.Men." Do men have a different style of gardening from women?